Wednesday, August 29, 2012



5 - The King of the Hill

The King of the Hill mode has a certain resemblance to the Arena mode. There is only one control point to be caught in this kind of game, when this point is captured by a team, the watch team will start a countdown three minutes. If the enemy team manages to capture the point back, the clock will start counting down while the other clock freezes at the time the point was recaptured (For example: If the BLU team captures the point and can keep for a period of 2:30 min. BLU the same team to re-capture the same point, the clock will continue from where it stopped, ie 2:30, missing just 30 sec to victory) a team wins when holding possession of the point for three minutes.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012



4 - Arena 

Unlike other methods that require a specific strategy for victory in Arena mode you should focus on one activity more stealthy, fast to achieve victory. 
Arena mode is composed of smaller maps and lasting less time. The round ends when one team has more players alive in the arena or when the central capture point is captured after his capture be allowed. The central point of capture can only be achieved after one minute have passed in the current round. We must always be aware that the Arena mode rounds are usually fast and hard. Another fact of First Blood The bonus is exclusive to the Arena mode and is given to the player that the first cause of death match. The bonus to the player 100% critical chance for five seconds. Note that a using a Dead Ringer Spy give the bonus to the player that First Blood activate fake his death, where the first "death" caused the match. 

 The Arena holds both matches so small with three players on each side as twelve great battles against twelve. Arena works similarly to Sudden Death - no way to revive and resupply lockers are not available. Normally there are few medical kits available, commonly posts away from places where there is more action and / or near places of high risk. This forces teams to rely more on Dispensers and Medics. 
Players on the losing team can stay out in the next round to keep the number of players in teams or equal to allow players who are watching (and which were left out because of the limit on the number of players per team) play. Moreover, players on the winning team never left out in the following round. 
The prefix arena_ accompanies the name of the maps in this game mode.

Thursday, August 23, 2012


TeamFortress 2 - GAME MODES

3 - Capture the Flag

Unlike the games, Team Fortress 2 Capture the Flag mode consists of each team having a briefcase Intelligence (Doing so the role of "Flag"). The goal of the teams is to capture the enemy intelligence to reach the catch limit game (default limit of 3 catches) while preventing the enemy do the same.
The intelligence of each team is usually located in the back of their territory and in a location symmetrical to each other, in an area known as the "Intelligence room." To get the intelligence the player must touch the enemy briefcase. While with the enemy Intelligence, the player must take it to the place of his intelligence, which should enter the 'capture zone' (indicated by yellow lines and black) to capture it successfully. After each successful catch your team will be rewarded with ten seconds of 100% critical chance.
If whoever is leading this intelligence is killed or is dropped intentionally, the Administrator will inform this fact to teams from the speakers and the case will remain in place for 60 seconds with a timer indicating the remaining time up to return to the Intelligence room. During that time the Intelligence can be caught normally. Each time the intelligence is starting the timer is reset. The enemy team can not move or zero intelligence directly. Intelligence can not be taken by players invulnerable (as players under the effects of an ÜberCharge Scouts and under the effects of Bonk! Atomic Punch) and who is with the Intelligence can not become invulnerable. Cloaked Spies can not get the intelligence that take up the camouflage. On the other hand, if a Spy take his disguise Intelligence will be removed and not be able to camouflage or disguise until the release or capture.



2. Payload Race

As the name Payload Race mode also has similarities to the Payload. Therefore, as the Payload mode, the goal boils down to push the cart until the last checkpoint, but now both the BLU team as the RED team has its distinct carts. With a basket for each team, both teams will have to play two roles at the same time, attack and defense. To win, teams must simultaneously push their cart through enemy territory to reach the last point while preventing the enemy team from doing the same. As in Payload mode, team members push the cart getting near him, his speed increases with the number of members close to him and members of the enemy team can stop him approaching.

Unlike Payload mode, the cart will not return after any length of time and there is no time limit, however there are maps that hold some sort of slope, to reach halfway up the hill, and all team members die or are away from cart, it will go back up to the start of the climb.

Unlike Payload mode, the cart will not return after any length of time and there is no time limit, however there are maps that hold some sort of slope, to reach halfway up the hill, and all team members die or are away from cart, it will go back up to the start of the climb.



1- Payload:

In this type of game, the BLU team must push the cart on rails for various areas of checkpoints to reach the RED base. For that to happen, the BLU team members must push the cart getting near it, the more people near the basket, the faster it moves.
Team members should turn RED stop the cart path on rails, using the strategy team for this to happen. It is interesting to put together a good defensive system sentry guns duly supported by well localized, and the utilization rate of stamp defensive classes. If no player BLU push the cart in 30 seconds, the cart will start back slowly until it reaches a checkpoint, the BLU base.

The cart works as a Dispenser for BLU team members, thereby replenishing ammo and lives of those who are pushing (it is interesting to build partnership Heavy + Medic such times, making them almost unbeatable)
Some maps include routes via single side BLU, which sometimes are closed until a specific point is captured.
For the RED team is interesting concentrate the defense on crucial points and greater range.
Some maps, like Gold Rush, Hoodoo Mountain and Thunder, are divided into three stages that the BLU team must advance to and win. Stages one and two are composed of two checkpoints and stage three is composed of three checkpoints (2 for Hoodoo), including the final point. The Badwater Basin and Upward maps have a single round with 4 checkpoints, including the final point. Next the cart to the next checkpoint gives the BLU extra time. Advancing it until the last point of a stage leads to the next stage of the map. When the cart reaches the last point of the last stage Payload explodes and destroys the RED base, indicating the victory of BLU.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012


              TEAM FORTRESS 2

The official game modes Team Fortress 2 are divided in ten. In its beginning, when it launched only three were part of the game these modes. They are, Capture the Flag, Control Point, and Territorial Control. As a result of updates and modifications followed, were added to the three already listed modes, seven new game modes, Payload, Arena, King of the Hill; Payload Race, Medieval Mode, Special Delivery, and Mann Vs Machine.
Starting today, I will talk a little about each game mode.

Today I'll talk about some of the most addictive games ever created by man, not because of your chart, but due to its gameplay and originality. And best of all, it is free, "free" on track.

The game's much-acclaimed VALVE, is distributed completely free system by Steam. So you can play it before you need to have a Steam account. Create an account on Steam, it is also completely free, and can be done at the following address; From there just search for the game and download the same. The download of the game can also be done at the following address;

Team Fortress 2 is a FPS style game, incredibly innovative, and unique gameplay. There you should choose one of the various classes available in the game. Besides the class, you must also choose between two teams, RED or BLUE vying several battles in various game modes, ranging from "capture the flag" to the innovative Payload, a fun way to push the cart until the last point capture.

Well, in the next post, you will bring more news and information about Team Fortress 2 and other games.

Some screenshots of the game:

Immortals of Aveum swaps weapons for magic in a shooting game.

An FPS that replaces traditional guns with spells that, er, feel mostly like traditional guns, Immortals of Aveum   should be commended for ...