Wednesday, September 5, 2012


Hello friends, today I present to you a game that got me hooked:

No More Room in Hell.

No More Room in Hell is the Source Engine mod released in 2011, after seven years in Nearly development.The game is inspired by the Living Dead movies of George Romero.The title is a quote from the movie Dawn of the Dead, "When there's no more room in hell, the dead will walk the earth.The zombies in the game are computer-controlled. Up to eight players can play online to the survivors of the zombie apocalypse.The game is absolutely free, and the address can be found  at: nomoreroominhell
. Currently he participates in the campaign GreenLight Steam. So let's help this amazing game to participate in the Steam. Vote! Vote in:steamcommunity

Well, the game proves very difficult at first contact, but after some hours of play you will eventually get used to the mechanics.

Among some tips that can be used in the game, we can list some:

One. Weapons melee should be your first goal, find a good melee is essential. The best possible combination; Flashlight + Machete.

2nd. Most Zombies are slow, instead of trying to kill everyone, the best way is to simply pass by. But beware, some zombies are fast, and some of them are boring kids.

3rd. FireGuns. Well, just use, use to clean some hordes and then throw them out. Weapons become more of a hurdle than a help. This tip goes for all weapons except for Rifle with Bayonet. This weapon is very good when using the "Shove", two movements are enough to kill shove.

4th. "Hit the head" ... using melee or FireWeapons, always aim for the head

Tuesday, September 4, 2012



8 - Mann vs. Machine

Any resemblance to a tower defense game is mere coincidence.
Mann vs. Machine is a Game Mode that was released in the update of the same name. In this game mode, a team of six players must fend off a horde of robots attempting to carry a bomb to one of Mann Co.'s strongholds.
Weapons and can be upgraded between waves and Canteen powerups can be purchased. Upon the completion of a player's first mission, they will receive a Canteen. Surviving all the waves will complete the mission. There are currently 1 operations and 9 missions in Mann vs. Machine.



7 - Special Delivery

Special Delivery is a game mode introduced in the Pyromania Update. The objective for both teams is to take a neutral briefcase to a specified area of the map, while preventing the other team from doing so. It is essentially a combination of Capture the Flag and Payload.
 The intelligence of Capture the Flag is replaced with an Australium briefcase that either team can take 45 seconds after the start of the round. Once taken, the Australium becomes property of that team and will emit gold sparkles, small clothing particles and a long golden trail. If the carrier is killed, the briefcase will be dropped and can only be picked up by the same team. If the opposing team successfully defends it for a duration of 45 seconds, it will return to its original location and become neutral again, allowing either team to take it.
In place of the Payload Cart is a loading platform. Only the team with the Australium can make the platform operate. Unlike the Payload Cart, the speed of the loading platform is not dependant on the number of teammates on it; only the teammate carrying the Australium can move the platform. If the Australium is dropped or the Australium leaves the platform, however, the platform will retreat and gradually return to its original position. Once the platform reaches the top of the rocket, a compartment on the nose of the rocket will open. The team that places the Australium in this compartment will launch the rocket, winning the game. Note that once the Australium compartment is open, the platform no longer needs to be raised in order to launch the rocket. As long as a player is able to make contact with the compartment, the rocket will launch.

Monday, September 3, 2012



6 - Medieval Mode

One of the latest modes added, Medieval Mode is a game mode that appeared in the Australian Christmas Update December 17, 2010.
It is a very simple way, currently there is only one official map that has the so called medieval Degroot Keep.

As this is a medieval battle, is only allowed to use weapons of cambate melee, so forget any shortguns, machine guns, rifles, bazookas, and get ready to use bows, swords and axes.
The goal of the mode is similar to a set-point control, there are a number of checkpoints in which the attacking team must capture and defend the defending team's attacking team, however, the official map at the time, the attackers must capture the first two checkpoints before, and then have access to the final control point, which, if not caught in a given period of time, it will lock and all control points before again be the defending team.
The last point is also the most difficult, because of his capture will be a lot of blood spilled by the sword.

Immortals of Aveum swaps weapons for magic in a shooting game.

An FPS that replaces traditional guns with spells that, er, feel mostly like traditional guns, Immortals of Aveum   should be commended for ...